About Climatics

Who is Climatics Intelligence?

 At Climatics Intelligence and our sister company Early Warning Network, we live and breathe severe weather. We strive to improve community awareness at times of adversity and aim to reduce loss of life and property damage by communicating risks and timely information to interested parties. Climatics Intelligence is a subsidiary of Aeeris Ltd (ASX:AER), an Australian stock exchange listed company since 2016. Climatics, the SaaS web application, was launched in May of 2022, with research and development beginning as early as 2020. The web application is a subscription-based web platform for businesses that assists in evaluating portfolios of assets for relevant severe weather hazard risks and highlight the changes that have occurred in the past and present, more information can be found here. The climate property reports that you can access today are just another way for Climatics Intelligence to communicate risk to future or current property owners to ensure they are aware of the true changes in climate that are happening at that location and provide a way of interpreting what events are significant. 

What are the reports?

 Climatics Intelligence reports are an interactive, downloadable, and comprehensive version of the Climatics web application for business subscribers. Available to download as a local HTML file or via a unique one-off web-link, non-commercial users can view a range of metrics and interact with charts for up to 10 severe weather hazards without the need for log in details. The data will be current as of the time the report is generated and will provide a thorough historic view and outlook on the trends of that hazard as well as quantify the changes that are being experienced. An example of this is “how many days over 35 °C did your property experience in the 1961-1990 baseline compared to the previous 30 years to date?”. For more information on the science and data behind the intelligence held in the reports, jump to the Science page.

How do I use the reports?


The reports from Climatics Intelligence are viewable in two different formats. Firstly, if viewing from a desktop we recommend downloading the HTML file from the confirmation page. It can be saved to your choice of folder and viewed at any later date. If you are using a mobile device or tablet, we recommend using the one-off and unique URL that is provided on the confirmation page and will also be emailed to you. This URL will expire within 6 months from date of purchase. 

Why use Climatics Intelligence reports?

As climate change progressively evolves, changes to frequency, intensity and duration of Australia's severe weather are becoming more noticeable. If you were provided with evidence of these changes, the extent of the changes in extreme events, would you use that information to implement measures for increased resilience and readiness at your property?
It’s well known and accepted that changes in Australia’s climate are happening now, but not everywhere, not in the same direction and not at the same rate. Data from Climatics Intelligence allows you to identify all the physical risks that have historically impacted your location of interest. The main aim is to highlight the changes in event frequency, event intensity and event duration so users can identify the hazards, specific to your property, with the greatest risk and decide on how to manage those hazards.

What’s different about the data you use?


The data used in Climatics Intelligence reports is primarily historical data. We saw that attempting to find historical data on extreme events was displaced over multiple agencies, discontinuous at times, and non-equivalent across jurisdictions. Historical data that is provided by other climate change websites - while readily available - was just not up to scratch for obtaining realistic trends and context on extreme events. Other climate change resources also use historical data but they assimilate the data through a model to place it in a format that they can then run future simulations on. In doing this though, a large amount of localised information is lost as these models require large grid resolutions (50-100km) to be able to run with the computing resources available. As the data is up-scaled, a significant amount of information is lost about the extreme events that are so important to property and business owners.

The data provided by Climatics Intelligence does all the hard work for you to combine the various data sources and derive the important information so you can quickly and easily understand your properties climate context. The data is aimed at being easy to interpret, even for non-scientific individuals, useful for identifying trends quickly, and when combined with your knowledge of the investment allows for evaluating the hazard that is most relevant to you.